Open Hours: Mon-Thu 8am-4.30 pm - Fri 8am-4.00pm

A Symbol of Civic Pride: Simla Resident Donates Teak Tree to Lautoka City Council’s Botanical Garden

Mr. Henry Seeto of Simla visited Lautoka City Council’s Botanical Garden to hand over the Teak tree plant.

It was very generous of Mr. Seeto who had the plant in pot since 2012 and decided that the teak be planted in the Garden.

Mr. Seeto has been a senior citizen of Lautoka City and has spent more than 30 years in Simla. He appreciated the work carried by the Council in keeping the city clean and green.

In appreciation, Acting Head of Services-Rouhit Karan Singh thanked Mr. Seeto in coming up and joining council in maintaining lush environment. It’s a great display of civic pride.

Teak is a tropical hardwood tree and is known for its incredible durability and water resistance. It is commonly used for making boat building, exterior furniture, carvings etc.

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